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Monthly essay prompt


The first step to overcoming our fear is acknowledging it. Then it’s getting comfortable with being uncomfortable.  Last month we hosted two days of mentorships guided by the theme of “Facing Your Fears”.  One of the key discussion points included acknowledging fear as the first step to overcoming it and the responses from the participants of the day were so enlightening that we wanted to also hear from our online community…YOU!


“My approach to overcoming fear is taking it in bite size chunks, a little bit at a time, pushing my limits with calculated risks. The more exposure I have in those situations that scare me, eventually it won’t have the same effect on me,” shares our founder, Carissa Moore.


For this month’s prompt, we want to know what are you afraid of? What situations does this fear arise in? Reflect on a time you faced a fear head on and conquered it. How did it make you feel? Reflect on a time you let fear take over. How did that make you feel? How can you practice stepping outside your comfort zone and live more fearlessly?  

How to get out of a writing funk

Sometimes it’s hard to figure out how to begin a sentence, let alone an entire written tale. If you struggle to write in any which fashion, start by first listening to your voice. The voice within your mind, body and soul. The senses we are fortunate to embrace. Take notes. Respond to them.

Deadline to submit is July 31st for a chance to receive a $400 scholarship! The winner will be announced the first week of August 2024.
Happy writing!
#GiveMooreAloha #MAmonthlyessay
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